Travel articles Haunted Hotels in America
Haunted hotels in America listed by state, with links to ghost stories. Orlando Promotions
"The economy" is putting a pall on a lot of plans this year, but family vacation town Orlando, Florida doesn't want to be crossed off anybody's list. Orlando frequently has... Top Rahman: Slumdog Millionaire Composer Scores Big
What a thrill the other night to see the low-budget Slumdog Millionaire surprise the world and trash its muscular competition at the Golden Globes. But when composer A.R. Rahman picked up the Best Score award for his film sound track, it came as no shock to Bollywood aficionados. The baby-faced, former jingle writer is (to borrow a Sanskrit word) a juggernaut, having scored over one hundred movies and sold over 100 million records in his career.
Baggage Fees Keep Increasing
Have you noticed that many airlines continue to boost their fees for checked baggage and oversized or overweight luggage? Just a few months ago, airlines such as AirTran, Northwest and... Hotel Pictures
Hotel pictures of all recommended hotels and resorts; hotel pictures are listed by destination.