Travel articles
Hotel Deals
Hot hotel deals, discounts and package rates. Get ideas with hotel deals for romantic getaways, family vacations, girls getaways, luxury ski trips and more. Another Secret to Snagging Low Fares
Airfarewatchdog--whose low-fare alerts I get in my email in-box every day--had an interesting post on its Airfare WatchBlog yesterday about "Secret Airline Deals": When it comes to air fares, it says, "the genuine steals often just languish unpublished, unadvertised, and...
More on Ditching Planes and the A320's Water-Friendly Design
Most flight crews get at least one day of training in a pool in swimsuits for that rarest of airline disasters, a ditching. If you think that sounds fun, you're wrong. Among other things, you have to demonstrate that you're a strong swimmer and that you're capable of climbing into and out of one of those inflatable evacuation chutes, which become life rafts in the water.
Royal Bathroom
Picture of the bathroom in Cinderella's castle suite in Walt Disney World. Madonna Inn - Rock Bottom - Photos of the Madonna Inn - Rooms at the Madonna Inn
Rock Bottom: Favorite rooms in the Madonna Inn, a unique California hotel.