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Travel articles

Kid-Friendly New York City
Kid-friendly New York City hotels that cater to kids and families.

Miami: Stop off after the Super Bowl
Don't just see the game and leave. Enjoy all that Miami has to offer--it's an increasingly sophisticated showplace of art and design.

January - February Family Vacation Ideas
January and February are lighter-traffic months between the high-volume Holiday Season and Spring Break: which means you can enjoy some uncrowded getaways if your kids are small or for other...

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Golfing Special Package
Highlands Reserve Golf ClubPhoto Courtesy of Highlands Reserve Golf Club GolfPac Travel has put together this special package to Orlando where you'll stay four nights in one of Orlando’s favorite hotels,...

More on Ditching Planes and the A320's Water-Friendly Design
Most flight crews get at least one day of training in a pool in swimsuits for that rarest of airline disasters, a ditching. If you think that sounds fun, you're wrong. Among other things, you have to demonstrate that you're a strong swimmer and that you're capable of climbing into and out of one of those inflatable evacuation chutes, which become life rafts in the water.