Travel articles More on Ditching Planes and the A320's Water-Friendly Design
Most flight crews get at least one day of training in a pool in swimsuits for that rarest of airline disasters, a ditching. If you think that sounds fun, you're wrong. Among other things, you have to demonstrate that you're a strong swimmer and that you're capable of climbing into and out of one of those inflatable evacuation chutes, which become life rafts in the water.
Best Disney Hotels
What are the best Disney hotels? Here are our picks for the ten best Disney hotels of all. Ryanair: European Air Sale
Periodically, Ryanair pops up with pennies-per-seat sales, and they've got one on now for even less than pence: try free. This particular sale from the budget European air travel king... Airport Delays
Inclement weather in the Northeast (sleet, snow, freezing rain) is causing delays at some airports, including LaGuardia (LGA) , Newark (EWR) , Philadelphia (PHL) and JFK. Check conditions... Nose to Nose with Velázquez on Google Earth
A new layer on Google Earth offers highly detailed views of 14 paintings from the museum including Velázquez's Las Meninas, Goya's The 3rd of May, 1808 in Madrid, and Hieronymus Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights. And by highly detailed, we mean images that contain as many as 14 million pixels.