Travel articles
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are making a comeback in some upscale hotel rooms. Learn to recognize bed bugs and avoid being bitten. Can You Stay Healthy on Your Next Cruise?
To me, there's nothing worse than being ill while on vacation. I've battled colds, stomach bugs, sinus infections and coughs while traveling, and it's just not fun to be... Budget Baltimore for Senior Travelers
Baltimore, Maryland is one of my favorite cities. "Charm City" has been an important port, battle site, African American cultural center and hub of industry since its founding. ... When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Golfing Special Package
Highlands Reserve Golf ClubPhoto Courtesy of Highlands Reserve Golf Club
GolfPac Travel has put together this special package to Orlando where you'll stay four nights in one of Orlando’s favorite hotels,... Dreaming o' the Green
No, it's not a winning lottery ticket, nor is it the putting green - although if you drive a little farther north from this spot, you'll come to a golf...