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Travel articles

Elevator: Pictures of the Dorint Hotel, Potsdam, Germany
Elevator: Picture of the Elevator of the Dorint Hotel in Potsdam, Germany.

In which theme park will you spend most of your time?
Take the Disney World Hotels test, a quick and fun quiz that helps you select the best hotels for your next Disney World trip. This question is: In which theme park will you spend most of your time?

Fireworks in the Fireplace
Picture of the fireworks effect in the fireplace from Cinderella's castle suite in Walt Disney World.

The Obama Bounce: A Positive for Travel?
Now that President Obama has settled into the Oval Office, tourism officials want to know: Will he deliver the hoped-for masses? Expectations are high.

Photos of Disney's Beach Club Resort, Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida
Pictures of rooms, lobby, pool, lounge and restaurant areas of Disney's Beach Club Resort in Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida.