Travel articles
Circus Circus
Circus Circus is nonstop action, and not just in the casino. The Adventuredome is a great place to keep kids entertained and offers pay-one-price tickets for theme park rides. The dome, while keeping the weather out, keeps the noise in. The hotel corridors and rooms are also decorated in a rather noisy style. Circus acts are performed every twenty minutes and can been seen from the casino and most of the restaurants. Honestly, the whole place gives me a headache. Exterior of an Igloo
Spend the night in one of these igloo hotels, made entirely of snow and ice. Bed Bug on White Cloth
Picture of a bed bug on a white cloth. Another Secret to Snagging Low Fares
Airfarewatchdog--whose low-fare alerts I get in my email in-box every day--had an interesting post on its Airfare WatchBlog yesterday about "Secret Airline Deals": When it comes to air fares, it says, "the genuine steals often just languish unpublished, unadvertised, and...
Swimming Pool at the Hard Rock Hotel Casino
Picture and details about the swimming pool area at the Hard Rock Hotel Casino in Las Vegas.