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#AtoZChallengeJamaica A is Audley Shaw, a man of whom we’re hardly sure?

Well, I have entered into a pact with my dear fellow bloggers Dennis Jones and Susan Goffe to do an #AtoZChallengeJamaica. We will be reblogging each other’s posts, prompted by the letters of the alphabet. Here’s Dennis’ letter A! Written in his usual witty style. Enjoy!

Jamaica: Political Economy
Audley Shaw isn’t new to finance minister ‘rodeos’. I’m getting a first chance to observe him closely on this ride. He’s theatrical and best when ‘off the leash’; he’s Mr. Ray-ray. Though he tempers that in Parliament, it’s still there: watch this CEEN TV clip

He’s good for a catchphrase:

  • “People need a break!”
  • “Phase it in!”
  • “You get the pay slip and it’s marked P.A.Y.E.”

He’s also his own caricature:

‘Papa Tax, whoa!’Courtesy Jamaica Gleaner, Les May

He’s been interesting during recent Budget debates, often, trying to be humorous, when delivering pain. He loves to poke his peers, especially opposing politicians. He told Mrs. Simpson-Miller her administrationshould be renamed ‘take-sperity’ (after the many taxes it’d levied, playing on his new mantra, ‘prosperity’). He didn’t want former finance minister Phillips delivering his ‘own dub version of history’. They took it in good humour.
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